

Hear Marion Harris sing “Jazz Baby” here.

Written in 1919 by Blanche Merrill and M.K. Jerome


Jazz Baby

My daddy was a rag-time trombone player.

My mammy was a rag-time cabaret-er.

They met one day at a tango tea.

There was a syncopated wedding

And then came me.

Folks think the way I walk is a fad,

But it’s just a birthday present from my mammy and dad.

‘Cause I’m a Jazz Baby.

I wanna be jazzin’ all the time.

There’s something in the tone of a saxophone

That makes me do a little wiggle all my own.

‘Cause I’m a Jazz Baby,

Full of jazzbo harmony.

Ya’ know, that Walk the Dog and Ball the Jack

That cause all the talk,

Well, that’s just a copy of the way I nat’chally walk.

‘Cause I’m a Jazz Baby

Little jazz baby that’s me.

Rocked to sleep while the cradle went to and fro

To and fro to the tune of the Tickle-toe.

Ever since I started in to growing

I loved to hear the music playin’

See my dear old mammy swayin’

Jazz, jazz, that’s all I ever knew

All day long; I never would get through

Jazz, jazz, That’s all I want to do.

Play me a little jazz.

‘Cause I’m a Jazz Baby!

Little Jazz Baby that’s all.

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