

First appearances Barney Google, Lizzie, Gwenny.

Barney Google originally appeared in the Chicago Herald and Examiner. It appears that can be viewed behind a paywall here. It was originally titled Take Barney Google, F’rinstance

Here is a link to the Chicago Tribune for this day. That paper is great for cultural context, although they did not run Barney Google, unfortunately. Many other great strips are included there, though.

The Library of Congress has some papers that carried Barney Google (although not from the first strip), including The South Bend News Times, and The Washington Times. These papers are not as easily browsed as The Chicago Tribune, unfortunately, and the collection only goes up to 1922.

Barney Google
Barney Google Strips
First Appearances
Gwenny, Barney Google's Daughter
Jess Willard
Lizzie, Barney Google's Wife
Prize Fighting